
Dr Devi Shetty Profile

Dr Devi Shetty is a well-known luminary in the medical field and a successful entrepreneur who has come up with numerous innovative ideas for healthcare reform. His forward-thinking leadership in the area of providing high-quality care at an affordable price has earned him international acclaim.

Narayana Hrudayalaya, which was inspired by Harvard University and The Wall Street Journal, has been an intriguing case study for such institutions as Harvard University and The Wall Street Journal in terms of lowering healthcare delivery costs via economies of scale.

Yeshaswini, an extremely inexpensive micro health insurance program benefiting over 3.4 million rural poor, was pioneered by Dr. Shetty in collaboration with the Government of Karnataka.

Dr. Sridhar Shetty is a well-known and prominent industry thought leader. He believes in utilizing technology for efficient healthcare delivery, which is why he takes such an active interest in creating and developing software solutions that would help to reduce time and cost inefficiencies while minimizing clinical mistakes.

Dr. Shetty completed post-graduate training in Cardiothoracic Surgery at the National Health Service, United Kingdom, before joining the BM Birla Heart Research Center and Manipal Heart Foundation in Kolkata and Bangalore as a consultant.

In February 2016, NH was offered to the public, and it received a remarkable response, with over eight times as many investors expressing interest. This demonstrates investors’ faith in Dr.Shetty’s innovative leadership.


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Dr Devi Prasad Shetty Experience

Born into a family of 9 children, Dr. Shetty knew he wanted to pursue heart surgery after hearing about Christiaan Barnard in school.

Although Dr. Shetty had some difficulty being accepted to medical school because his father was sternly opposed to it (and didn’t have much money to support him), he persisted and went on to graduate from St. Aloysius School, Mangaluru and completed MBBS in 1979 as well as post-graduate work in General Surgery later on down the line at Kasturba Medical College.

Dr. Devi Prasad Shetty is an Indian philanthropist, Chairman of Narayana Hrudayalaya Hospitals, and the best cardiac surgeon who has served on the Board of Governors of the Medical Council of India. Dr. Shetty is an internationally renowned thoracic surgeon based in Bangalore, India.

  • He has over 25 years of expertise and is the greatest cardiac surgeon in the world, with over 25 years of experience.
  • Out of the 15,000 heart operations he has completed, 5,000 were on children.

Is the first large-scale clinical trial of its kind, presented in an online format and assessing whether people who use psychedelic medicine have fewer problems with mental health.

  • Dr. Devi Shetty has made a significant contribution to lowering the cost of heart operations. He is the first cardiac surgeon in India to attempt some of the intricate processes involved in neonatal open-heart surgery.In India, he used an artificial heart for the first time and carried out India’s first bypass surgery using stomach blood vessels to bypass blocked arteries of the heart
  • In addition to being the first to develop Asia’s dynamic cardiomyoplasty operation, he also originated the concept of assembly-line heart surgery. This type of surgery is less expensive and has a zero mortality rate. He has seen more success with this method when operating on kids.
  • He established the Yashasvini insurance plan, which is believed to be the world’s cheapest health insurance program. For this plan, individuals pay only Rs. 5 per month. The Karnataka government endorses the scheme and has millions of subscribers already.

Narayana Hrudayalaya Private Limited, established and run by Dr. Devi Shetty, is Dr. Devi Shetty’s legacy. The business model of Narayana Hrudayalaya is highly basic. For example, the pediatric cardiac unit is the world’s largest facility. It treats approximately fifty to sixty cases at any one moment, which suggests that other hospitals would manage in a year.


    Dr Devi Prasad Shetty Appointment Fee

    Dr. Devi Shetty’s goal is to make his hospitals more efficient so they can offer heart surgeries at a lower price than in the United States.

    Subsequently, six more hospitals were planned using the Narayana Hrudayalaya model in several cities throughout India, with an eventual goal of 30,000 beds across hospitals not only India but also in Africa and other parts Asia.

    Shetty plans to lower costs by tactics like investing in less expensive scrubs and utilizing cross-ventilation instead of air conditioning. With these measures, the price of coronary bypass surgery has dropped 50% to 95,000 rupees ($1,583) in the last 20 years. His goal for 2013 was to get the cost down to $800 within 10 years.

    Dr. Shetty’s medical facility also provides significant free care, especially for low-income individuals. He offers free surgery to the indigent. No one who wants a bypass and comes to his hospital/ashram leaves empty-handed; like ancient saints, he does not turn anyone away who desires a bypass.

    In short, Dr. Devi Shetty is a world-renowned cardiac surgeon who has made significant contributions to the field of medicine, particularly in the area of heart surgery.

    He is also responsible for developing several innovative medical procedures and machines. In addition, he has created various insurance schemes and programs that have benefited millions of people in India. Overall, Dr. Devi Shetty is an extremely talented and successful individual who has had a tremendous impact on the medical field.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What distinguishes Dr. Devi Shetty as a luminary in the medical field, and what significant contributions has he made to healthcare and cardiac surgery?

    Dr. Devi Shetty is a renowned figure in the medical world, known for his innovative ideas in healthcare reform. He is the Chairman of Narayana Hrudayalaya Hospitals and an internationally acclaimed cardiac surgeon based in Bangalore, India. Dr. Shetty's groundbreaking work has focused on lowering the cost of heart operations, making high-quality care more accessible.

    He has pioneered intricate procedures in neonatal open-heart surgery, introduced Asia's dynamic cardiomyoplasty operation, and developed the concept of assembly-line heart surgery with a zero mortality rate. Dr. Shetty also established the Yashasvini insurance plan, offering affordable health coverage to millions. His legacy, Narayana Hrudayalaya, has expanded its model to provide cost-effective healthcare across India and beyond.

    How has Dr. Devi Shetty revolutionized the field of cardiac surgery and healthcare, and what are his goals for the future in terms of providing affordable and efficient medical services?

    Dr. Devi Shetty's impact on cardiac surgery and healthcare is transformative. He has reduced the cost of heart operations significantly and introduced innovative procedures and practices. His legacy, Narayana Hrudayalaya, is known for its efficient and affordable healthcare model. Dr. Shetty aims to expand this model, with a vision of establishing 30,000 beds in hospitals across India,

    Africa, and other parts of Asia. He focuses on lowering costs through various tactics, such as investing in cost-effective measures like less expensive scrubs and cross-ventilation. His goal is to continue making heart surgeries more accessible and affordable, ultimately benefiting low-income individuals with free surgery and improving healthcare worldwide.


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